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This page shows images of the Tramvia Blau and
Tibidabo in Barcelona.
Tibidabo is a mountain overlooking Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. At 512
meters it is the tallest mountain in the Serra de Collserola. Rising sharply
to the north-west, it affords spectacular views over the city and the
surrounding coastline. There is an amusement park, a telecommunications
tower (Torre de Collserola), and a Catholic church, the Temple de Sagrat
Cor, at the top, all of which are visible from most of the city. Designed by
Enric Sagnier, the church took 60 years to construct and is topped by a
sculpture of the Sacred Heart by Josep Miret Llopart. The Amusement park is
the oldest in Barcelona (opened 1899) and retains many of the original rides, some of
which date to the turn of the 20th century. The park featured in the Woody
Allen film Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
Tibidabo can be reached by a funicular railway, by bus, and by car. The
funicular railway, built in 1901, was the first of its kind in Spain. There
is a tramway (Tramvia Blau - Blue Tram) to the bottom of the funicular,
running in summer from Plaça Kennedy (FGC Barcelona Metro L7). Tramvia Blau
is operated by Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), albeit not part
of Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM) and therefore not
fare-integrated with the other public transportation networks of the
metropolitan area. It was inaugurated in 1901 and revised in 1922 and 1958.
Google Interactive Map of the Metrotranvia di Sassari
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Tramvia Blau (Blue Tram) runs to the bottom of the
funicular from Plaça Kennedy (FGC Barcelona Metro L7). Tramvia Blau is
operated by Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), albeit not part of
Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM) and therefore not fare-integrated
with the other public transportation networks of the metropolitan area. It
was inaugurated in 1901 and revised in 1922 and 1958.
Tramvia Blau No.6 at the upper
Tibidabo Funicular terminus
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Tramvia Blau Nos.6 and 7 at the
upper Tibidabo Funicular terminus
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013
Tramvia Blau No.6 at the lower
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Tramvia Blau Nos.7 and 6 at the
lower terminus
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Tramvia Blau No.7 at the upper
Tibidabo Funicular terminus
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Tramvia Blau No.7 at the upper
Tibidabo Funicular terminus
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Tramvia Blau No.9 from a
Tramvia Blau No.10
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 1st September 2002

Tramvia Blau No.10
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 1st September 2002

The Tibidabo Funicular was opened on October 29, 1901
with a length of 1152 metres. The funicular railway, built in 1901, was the
first of its kind in Spain. The system is single track with a single passing
place at Apeadero Observatorio, where there was originally a third station.
The funicular features in a huge number of postcards issued since its
opening, a selection of which are shown below.
Tibidabo Funicular -
Postcards of Lower Station
Estacion Inferior
Tibidabo Funicular - Postcards
of the Lower Station (Estacion Inferior)

Tibidabo Funicular in 2013 - the Lower Station (Estacion Inferior)
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Funicular - Postcards of Lower Section
Estacion Inferior to Apeadero Observatorio
Tibidabo Funicular - Postcards
of the lower section (Estacion Inferior to Apeadero Observatorio)

Tibidabo Funicular in 2013 -
Lower section from the lower station to the crossover
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Funicular - Postcards of Intermediate Station
Apeadero Observatorio
Originally the the Funicular had an intermediate station at Apeadero
Observatorio, at the top end of the passing loop. The original building was
tall and narrow, but it was later widened.
Tibidabo Funicular - Postcards
of the intermediate station (Apeadero Observatorio)
The original tall narrow building

Tibidabo Funicular - Postcards
of the intermediate station (Apeadero Observatorio)
The enlarged building

Funicular - Postcards of Upper Section
Apeadero Observatorio to Estacion Superior
Tibidabo Funicular - Postcards
of the Upper Station (Estacion superior)

Tibidabo Funicular in 2013 -
Upper section from crossover to the summit
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013

Tibidabo Funicular -
Postcards of Upper Station
Estacion Superior
Tibidabo Funicular - Postcards
of the Lower Station (Estacion Superior)

Funicular in 2002
Tibidabo Funicular in 2002
I thought the trains were just covered in graffiti but in fact were done as
school projects - they have since been repainted
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 1st September 2002

Funicular in 2013
Tibidabo Funicular in 2013
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th July 2013
Tibidabo is a mountain
overlooking Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. At 512 meters it is the tallest
mountain in the Serra de Collserola. Rising sharply to the north-west, it
affords spectacular views over the city and the surrounding coastline. There
is an amusement park, a telecommunications tower (Torre de Collserola), and
a Catholic church, the Temple de Sagrat Cor, at the top, all of which are
visible from most of the city. Designed by Enric Sagnier, the church took 60
years to construct and is topped by a sculpture of the Sacred Heart by Josep
Miret Llopart. The Amusement park is the oldest in Barcelona and retains
many of the original rides, some of which date to the turn of the 20th
century. The park featured in the Woody Allen film Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
I assume the 1928 date on the aircraft tails is when
the Aeroplano ride was created. the plane would have looked quite
modern then.
Tibidabo Aeroplano
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 1st September 2002

The second large ride built at
Tibidabo was the Aerial Railway (Ferrocarril Aero)
Postcards of the Aerial Railway (Ferrocarril Aero)
Tibidabo Miniature
There appears to have been at
least two miniature railways at Tibidabo. One was at the highest level of
the park using a steam outline loco and then a diesel. I lower railway used
a different steam outline loco.
Tibidabo upper miniature railway

Tibidabo lower miniature railway