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Rostocker Fahrgastschiffahrt (1834-2003) by Heinz
Lange (Ingo Koch Verlag 2003)
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(Weisse Flotte - Built: 1994)
Warnemünde-Hohe Düne car ferry Breitling
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

(Weisse Flotte - Built: 1995)
Warnemünde-Hohe Düne car ferry F.Warnow
Photo: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

Blaue Flotte - Dieter Schütt
Rostocker Personenschifffahrt - Olaf
Hansestadt Rostock
(1) - (Blaue Flotte: 1998-2010)
Kasper Ohm (2) - (Blaue Flotte: 2010- )
Hansestadt Rostock (1) was built by
LUX-Werft, Mohndorf, Köln/Bonn in 1998 for the Blaue Flotte of Dieter & Olaf
Schütt for use in Rostock/Warnemünde. She carries 230 passengers. Hansestadt
Rostock (1) was replaced in 2010 by
Hansestadt Rostock (2)
and renamed Kasper Ohm (2).
Excursion vessel Hansestadt
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

Kasper Ohm (1)
(Blaue Flotte: 1996-2010 - Built: 1977)
Kasper Ohm (1) was built as the Pillnitz
for the Weisse Flotte Dresden for use on the River Elbe. She was bought in
1996 for the Blaue Flotte of Dieter Schütt for use in Rostock/Warnemünde. She was
withdrawn in 2010 when the new
Hansestadt Rostock (2) was delivered and her name was transferred
to Hansestadt Rostock (1)
which became Kasper Ohm (2)
Excursion vessel Kasper Ohm
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007
(Blaue Flotte: 2003- )
Mecklenburg was built by LUX-Werft,
Mohndorf, Köln/Bonn in 2003 for the Blaue Flotte of Dieter & Olaf Schütt for
use in Rostock/Warnemünde. She carries 230 passengers.
Rostocker 7 (2)
(Blaue Flotte/Rostocker Personenschifffahrt: 2003- )
Rostocker 7 (2) was built in 2003 for the
Blaue Flotte of Dieter & Olaf Schütt for use in Rostock. She carries 250
passengers. She now works for associated Rostocker Personenschifffahrt run
by Olaf Schütt.
Excursion vessel Rostocker 7
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

Hansestadt Rostock
(Blaue Flotte: 2010- )
Hansestadt Rostock (2) was built by
LUX-Werft, Mohndorf, Köln/Bonn in 2010 for the Blaue Flotte of Dieter Schütt
for use in Rostock/Warnemünde. She carries 250 passengers.
Fahrgastschifffahrt Käpp'n Brass GmbH - Rainer Möller
Fahrgastschifffahrt Käpp'n Brass GmbH (Rainer Möller)
operate harbour trips from Warnemünde with a fleet of three ships, one of
which is for sale, one of a number of recent vessels which breaks the
tradition of styling new excursion ships like large private yachts.
The first Käpp'n Brass (1) was a very small open sail/motor boat
built 1936 and working at Warnemünde in the late-1940s for Ewald Malcherzyk.
She was acquired by Rainer Möller in 1982. His next Käpp'n Brass (2)
was a larger motor boat, the typical Hamburg barkasse Senior (ex-Martina).
She was acquired in 1990. Möller next acquired the Nordfriesland
from Günther Schröder in 1991, joined in the same year by a Typ-III
Fahrgastschiff Warnow (3). The Typ III class vessels were built in
large numbers during the communist East German period. Other Typ III
examples at Rostock-Warnemünde include the
Kasper Ohm (1).
The Möller fleet when I visited Rostock in 2007
consisted of three vessels:-
Käpp'n Brass (5) (2006) - 284 passengers
Min Herzing (2) (2007) - 285 passengers
Ostseebad Warnemünde (2001) -
352 passengers (for sale in 2012)
Käpp'n Brass (5)
(Fahrgastschifffahrt Käpp'n Brass: 2006- )
Käpp'n Brass (5) was built for Rainer Möller
in 2006. She is modern vessel with pseudo-traditional appearance.
Warnemünde excursion vessel Käpp'n
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

Min Herzing (2)
(Fahrgastschifffahrt Käpp'n Brass: 2007- )
Min Herzing (2) was built for Rainer Möller
in 2007.
Warnemünde excursion vessel Min Herzing
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

Ostseebad Warnemünde
(Fahrgastschifffahrt Käpp'n Brass: 2001- )
Ostseebad Warnemünde was built as Fürst
Borwin in 2001. In 2012 this vessel is for sale.
Warnemünde excursion vessel Ostseebad
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

Fahrgastschiffahrt Heckmann - Gelbe-Flotte
The W.Heckmann operate the 2002-built 'Oldie dampfer'
Selene from Warnemünde on
harbour tours.
Fahrgastschiffahrt Heckmann (still with just a double 'ff') is also marketed
as the Gelbe-Flotte. (Yellow Fleet). Previous vessels in the fleet were
Seestern (1962) and Rostocker Grief (1980)
(Fahrgastschiffahrt Heckmann - Gelbe-Flotte: 2002- )
Selene was built for W.Heckmann
in 2002. She is another modern vessel with pseudo-traditional appearance,
like the
Käpp'n Brass (5).
Warnemünde excursion vessel
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007

Baltic Schiffahrt und Touristik
Baltic Schiffahrt und Touristik GmbH operate the
coastal excursion vessel Baltica
(Baltic Schiffahrt und Touristik GmbH)
Baltica was built as yard number 1136 at
Husum shipyard for Wyker Dampfschiffs Föhr Amrum-Reederei (WDR). She was
completed in May 1959 and was delivered to the customer as Rüm Hart.
In the years up to 1982, Rüm Hart was mainly used by the WDR on the
route between Dagebüll, Wyk and Amrum and occasionally also used for trips
to Helgoland and Sylt. Following the delivery of Ro-ro ships Rüm Hart became
primarily a summer season day-trip boat, either from Dagebüll, Föhr and
Amrum to Helgoland or from Husum and Tönning to Helgoland.
The ship also ran a few trips to Denmark and Sweden. In 1971/72 the Rüm Hart
was chartered to Cassen Eils for their Büsum-Helgoland trips and in the
summer of 1976 she ran trips from Cuxhaven to Helgoland chartered to HADAG.
In 1981/82, the ship was used from Hörnum (Sylt) to Helgoland.
In May 1982 the WDR sold the ship and replaced it in November 1982 with a
younger Rüm Hart . The original Rüm Hart was renamed
Baltica and has since worked in the Baltic. The first owner after
the WDR was Rolf Böttcher from Neustadt. After Böttchers bankruptcy on 27
July 1983 Baltica sailed for the Flensburger Förde
Schiffahrtsgesellschaft which chartered the ship to cruise from Kappeln.
They registered the ship in Kappeln and ran it until 1985 on 'butter trips'
between Flensburg and Kollund Kappeln. From 1985 to 1999, the route changed
to Flensburg, and Gråsten Kappeln. Ownership changed in 1990 to Ursula Let &
Helga Petersen (Flensburger Förde) in Kappeln, 1995 then to Seetouristik
Kappeln. In 1997 they sold the Baltica to Heinrich Böttcher from
Lübeck, running trips from Travemünde. Since 1999, Baltica has
worked for Baltic Schiffahrt und Touristik GmbH in Warnemünde on Baltic Sea
cruises from Rostock and Warnemünde. She is still registered in Lübeck.
Warnemünde excursion vessel
Photos: © Ian Boyle, 7th August 2007