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- Edwards
- Page
1B - Liners
- These
postcards are no longer available for sale from this website
- The Revd.
Father M.N.W.Edwards produces postcards in four series:-
- 1: Liners
to South Africa - Serial
Nos. Br.S1-20,
Br.S21-43 (this page)
- 2: Ferries
- Serial Nos. Br.F - to be added later
- 3: Ships
that visted Tristan da Cunha - Serial Nos. Td.C
- 4: Ships
that have visited Antarctica - Serial Nos. Pole
- Many earlier
cards are now sold out, since they are printed in editions of
only 500 or 250. All cards are individually hand numbered, which
is unique as far as I am aware for ship postcards. This page
shows the Br.S. series, which are all Union-Castle and SAFMarine
vessels, including rare colour cards of some of the freighters.
Photographer's names are shown (in brackets).
- Associated Pages:-
- Union-Castle
Postcard Galleries - Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Ocean
Liner Postcards - Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Cruise
Ship Postcards - Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Ferry
- Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Simplon
Postcards Home Page
- Edwards
Postcards - Series Br.S21-
- Br.S.21
Braemar Castle,
Table Bay - March 26th 1962 (R.Tyler)
- Br.S.22
Rustenburg Castle,
Capetown - March 20th 1971 (C.H.Solomon)
- Br.S.23
Capetown Castle,
Table Bay - June 23rd 1955 (J.B.Boulton)
- Br.S.24
Windsor Castle
(Sold Out),
Southampton 1960s (J.Lester)
- Br.S.25
Dunbar Castle, Table Bay - March 30th 1939 (N.Edwards)
- Br.S.26
Rothesay Castle, Table Bay - August 8th 1970 (C.H.Solomon)
- Br.S.27
Kenya Castle, Zanzibar - June 1955 (J.B.Boulton)
- Br.S.28 Good Hope Castle, leaving
Table Bay - March 30th 1966 (C.H.Solomon)
- Br.S.29
Winchester Castle, Table Bay - photo 1932
- Br.S.30
Richmond Castle - photo 1955
- Br.S.31
Carnarvon Castle (Sold Out) - photo 1936
- Br.S.32
Arundel Castle - photo 1931
- Br.S.33
Durham Castle - photo 1925
- Br.S.34
Kinfauns Castle (Sold Out) - photo c1919
- Br.S.35
Windsor Castle - photo c1925
- Br.S.36
Braemar Castle - photo c1904
- Br.S.37
Grantully Castle at Cape Town - photo c1919
- Br.S.38
Dover Castle at Cape Town - photo c1909
- Br.S.39
Warwick Castle at Cape Town
- Br.S.40
Durban Castle at Port Elizabeth
- Not
one of the better Edwards releases.
- Br.S.41
Rochester Castle at St Helena
- Br.S.42
Walmer Castle c.1937.
- Walmer
operated feeder cargo services from Southampton to European ports.
- Br.S.43
Stirling Castle at Durban, 5/12/55.
- Not
one of the better Edwards releases.
- Return to Br,S1-20
- Continue
to Td.C Series
- Ocean
Liner Postcards
- Cruise Ship Postcards - Ferry
- Simplon
Postcards Home Page

- ©1999-2007
Copyright Ian Boyle/Simplon Postcards (all pages on web site)
All Rights Reserved
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