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- Edwards
- Page
2 - Td.C
- These
postcards are no longer available for sale from this website
- The Revd.
Father M.N.W.Edwards produces postcards in four series:-
- 1: Liners
to South Africa - Serial
Nos. Br.S
- 2: Ferries
- Serial Nos. Br.F - to be added later
- 3: Ships
that have visited Tristan da Cunha - Serial Nos. Td.C (this page)
- 4: Ships
that have visited Antarctica - Serial Nos. Pole (this page)
I have added
a selection of the less obscure subjects below. Many earlier cards
are now sold out, since they are printed in editions of only 500
or 250. All cards are individually hand numbered, which is unique
as far as I am aware for ship postcards.
- This page
shows the Td.C and Pole series (most Pole series cards are also
in the Td.C series). The Td.C series includes some well-known
cruise ships, but also some very obscure vessels which make very
unlikely postcard subjects. It also includes some unusual warship
subjects, modern warship cards being quite rare. Photographer's
names are shown (in brackets).
- Associated Pages:-
- Union-Castle
Postcard Galleries - Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Ocean
Liner Postcards - Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Cruise
Ship Postcards - Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Ferry
- Postcard Galleries (not for sale)
- Simplon
Postcards Home Page
- Edwards
Postcards - Series Td.C and Pole
OUT - Td.C.4 St Helena,
(St Helena Shipping Co) (Mure Smith)
OUT - Td.C.6 Vistafjord,
(Cunard Line) (Fr.M.N.W.Edwards)
OUT - Td.C.9 Marco Polo,
(Orient Lines) (Dr Errol Cornish)
- Td.C.10
- Td.C.12
HMS Endurance, (Fr.M.N.W.Edwards)
OUT - Td.C.15 Hanseatic,
(at Tristan da Cunha) (Dr Errol Cornish)
- Td.C.16
Jeanne d'Arc, (French Navy) (C.H.Solomon)
- Td.C.17
Sagafjord, (Cunard Line) (Dr Errol Cornish)
- Td.C.18
HMS Cilicia, (Anchor Line) (Imperial War Museum)
- Td.C.26
St Helena, (St Helena Shipping Co) (Mure Smith)
- Td.C.27
World Discoverer, (Discoverer Cruises) (J.H.Youle)
- Td.C.28
RFA Tideflow, (leaving Capetown) (C.H.Solomon)
- Td.C.29
SAS Protea, (South African Navy) (C.H.Solomon)
- Td.C.30/Pole2
Explorer, (Explorer Shipping Co) (J.J.Woolley)
- Td.C.31/Pole3
SAS Outeniqua, (SA Navy Fleet Replenishment Ship) (Errol
- Td.C.32
British Tamar, (BP Shipping official photo)
- Td.C.33/Pole4
HMS Herald, (Royal Navy Survey Ship) (M.N.W.Edwards)
- Td.C.34
HMS Arawa, (Shaw Savill & Albion, on war service 1941)
(Imperial War Museum)
- Td.C.35
HMS Burghhead Bay, (Tristan da Cunha, January 1958) (A.B.Crawford)
- Td.C.36
HMSAS Natal, (Tristan da Cunha, April 1947) (A.B.Crawford)
- Td.C.37/Pole5
HMS Endurance, (Antarctica, March 1999)
- Td.C.39
HMS Alcantara (Royal Mail Line - on war service), (Imperial
War Museum)
- Td.C.40/Pole8
HMS Endurance, (Antarctica, June 1999)
- Pole7
MV Akademik Fyodorov, (Dr Errol Cornish, Capetown)
- Pole9
MV Polarstern, (Dr Errol Cornish, Capetown)
- Td.C.41/Pole10
HMS Cumberland, (T.Down)
- Td.C.42/Pole11
RFA Grey Rover, (Dr E.Cornish)
- Td.C.43
St Helena, (B.Baldwin, Inaccessible Island, 1998) - A
lovely card!
- Td.C.44/Pole12
HMS Somerset, (Dr E.Cornish, Cape Town 1999)
- Td.C.45
Lowland Lancer, (Dr E.Cornish, Cape Town 1991)
- Td.C.46
King William (King Line, Cape Town)
- Td.C.52
Innesmoor (Moor Line, Walter Runciman & Co)
- Td.C.53
Baron Dalmey (Baron Line, Hogarth & Sons)
- Td.C.54
HMS Endurance in Antarctica (RN official photo)
- Td.C.55/Pole
15 Bremen (HAPAG-Lloyd)
- Photo
B.Baldwin at Tristan da Cunha
- Edwards Br.S Series
- Ocean
Liner Postcards
- Cruise Ship Postcards - Ferry
- Simplon
Postcards Home Page

- ©1999-2007
Copyright Ian Boyle/Simplon Postcards (all pages on web site)
All Rights Reserved
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