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- Funchal
at Harwich
- 15th
May 1999
- Funchal was built for the Portuguese
line Empresa Insulana de Navegacao, Lisboa, and was used on the
Lisbon-Azores-Madeira route. She was reconditioned as a fulltime
cruise ship in 1973, when her steam turbines were replaced by
diesels. Her exterior profile has changed little, with only a
small extra deck added over the stern, and large tenders now
carried in front of the bridge (since removed). She is now owned
by Arcalia Shipping, who also own Princess Danae.
- These photos
were taken by Ian Boyle on 15th May 1999, when Funchal
left on a cruise to the Mediterranean. One of these photos was
released as a Simplon
in May 2000. Note the inshore lifeboat leaving on an emergency
call-out on the fifth photo, to assist a small yacht in difficulties.
- Associated Pages:-
- Funchal - History of Funchal
- Funchal
at Harwich in 1999 - images of Funchal - this page!
- Funchal
at Harwich in 2008 - images of Funchal
- Funchal
at Harwich in 2009 - images of Funchal
- Princess
Danae at Harwich
- images of Princess Danae
- Classic
International Cruises
- Costa
Line - Linea "C"
- Portuguese
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Ship Postcards
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Liner Postcards
- Simplon Postcards Home Page
- Funchal
at Harwich
- 15th
May 1999
- Funchal
leaving Harwich, 15th May 1999
- Photo:
©1999 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Funchal
leaving Harwich, 15th May 1999
- Photo:
©1999 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Funchal
leaving Harwich, 15th May 1999
- Photo:
©1999 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Funchal
leaving Harwich, 15th May 1999
- Photo:
©1999 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Funchal
leaving Harwich, 15th May 1999
- Photo:
©1999 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Funchal
leaving Harwich, 15th May 1999
- Photo:
©1999 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Classic International Cruises - Costa Line - Linea "C" - Portuguese
- Cruise
Ship Postcards
- Ocean
Liner Postcards
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