Mauretania of 1939
This page is devoted to postcards and photographs of the Cunard Liner
Mauretania (2)
of 1939.
Mauretania (2)
was built by Cammell Laird of Birkenhead, and was the largest ship built in England up until that time. She was also the first new ship delivered to the combined Cunard-White Star Line.
Mauretania (2)
made her maiden voyage from Liverpool to New York on 17th June 1939. She made two Atlantic crossings after the start of WW2, before being converted into a troopship in Sydney in 1940.
Mauretania (2)
continued as a troopship throughout the war, travelling 540,000 miles and carrying over 350,000 troops.
Mauretania (2)
returned to Cunard-White Star service in 1947, mainly on the Southampton-New York route. She was also used for cruising, including a world cruise in 1958.
Mauretania (2)
was painted "cruising" green in 1962. She moved to the New York-Mediterranean service in 1963, and made her last sailing, New York-Mediterranean-Southampton in September 1965.
Mauretania (2)
was then sold for scrapping at Inverkeithing.
Sections on this Page:-
Mauretania (2)
- Colour Art Postcards
Mauretania (2)
- Monochrome Postcards
Mauretania (2)
- Photographic Postcards
Mauretania (2)
- Interior Postcards
Mauretania (2)
- Modern Postcards
Cunard Line Pages:-
Cunard - Header Page
Cunard - Page 1
- Ocean Liners 1838-1899
Cunard - Page 2
- Ocean Liners 1900-1914
Cunard - Page 3
- Ocean Liners 1915-1939
Cunard - Page 4
- Ocean Liners 1940-1970
Cunard - Page 5
- Cruise Ships 1971-
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Carnival Cruises
The UK Passenger Fleet in 1967
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Mauretania (2)
Colour Postcards
Cunard White Star Line art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Cunard Line art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Cunard Line art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Variation on card above.
Cunard Line art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Salmon art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Valentine's art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
An interesting postcard showing
Mauretania (2)
at Cristobal, Panama, posted from Cuba in 1955.
A less common J.Arthur Dixon postcard SS.7 (C.T.457) of
Mauretania (2)
Photo: Aerofilms Ltd.
The more common J.Arthur Dixon postcard SS.107 of
Mauretania (2)
Photo: © Beken of Cowes.
Cunard Line art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
with green hull.
Art postcard of
Mauretania (2)
with green hull.
Monochrome Postcards
Sepia postcard of
Mauretania (2)
with green hull.
Real Photographic Postcards
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
at Liverpool.
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
in Table Bay in wartime.
Photo: John H Marsh.
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Three variations of Valentine's real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
at Southampton with green hull.
Duncan real photographic postcard of
Mauretania (2)
with green hull.
Interiors Postcards
C.R.Hoffman real photographic postcard of
Grand Hall on
Mauretania (2)
C.R.Hoffman real photographic postcard of
3rd Class Lounge on
Mauretania (2)
Real photographic postcard of
Tourist Lounge on
Mauretania (2)
Same image as card above - 3rd Class was renamed Tourist Class.
C.R.Hoffman real photographic postcard of
Tourist Dining Saloon on
Mauretania (2)
C.R.Hoffman real photographic postcard of
3rd Class Cabin on
Mauretania (2)
Modern Postcards
Modern reproduction of the Salmon postcard of
Mauretania (2)
shown above
The image has been distorted to fit the taller format.
Modern After the Battle postcard of
Mauretania (2)
Photo: © Beken of Cowes.
Two Modern CT Publishing postcards of
Mauretania (2)
at new York.
I think that these superb photos are amongst the finest ocean liner cards ever issued.
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