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website has no connection with any shipping company, cruise line,
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- Tor
- This page
is devoted to postcards and photographs of the Tor Lines ferry Tor Hollandia, built in 1967. She
was a slightly larger version of Tor Anglia (now Corsica Ferries Sardinia Nova) which introduced the Tor Lines services from Immingham
to Amsterdam and Gothenburg in 1966. Both the pioneer ships were
sold in 1976 when replaced by the larger Tor Britannia and Tor Scandinavia, and she was renamed
Ariadne. Ariadne was still listed as
part of the Minoan
fleet at the start of 1999, but was sold during that year. In
2001, Ariadne continues to serve between
Italy and Greece as the Ouranos of Fraglines.
- Ship Names on this
- Tor
- Ariadne
- Ouranos
- Associated Pages:-
- Corsica
- Minoan
- Tor
- Ferry
- Simplon
Postcards Home Page
- Tor Hollandia
- (Tor
Line: 1967-76)
- Tor Hollandia, built in 1967. She
was a slightly larger version of Tor Anglia (now Corsica Ferries Sardinia Nova) which introduced the Tor Lines services from Immingham
to Amsterdam and Gothenburg in 1966. Both the pioneer ships were
sold in 1976, when replaced by the larger Tor Britannia and Tor Scandinavia, and she was renamed
- Tor
Line official postcard of Tor Hollandia.
- Tor
Line official postcard of Tor Hollandia & Tot Anglia.
- Spanjersberg
postcard C1123 of Tor Hollandia. Photograph by C.v.d.Meulen.
- Postcard
of Tor Hollandia at Göteborg.
- Scan
supplied by Cees de Bijl.
- Colourmaster
postcard PT15185 of Tor Hollandia.
- Pike
Cards 159 of a Grimsby & Cleethorpes AEC Bridgemaster bus,
with the bow of Tor Hollandia. Photograph M.A.Hall.
- Unidentified
photographic postcard (plain back) of Tor Hollandia.
- Ariadne
- (Minoan
Lines: 1976-99)
- Ariadne was built as the Tor
Lines vessel Tor
in 1967. She was a slightly larger version of Tor Anglia (now Corsica Ferries Sardinia Nova) which introduced the
services from Immingham to Amsterdam and Gothenburg in 1966.
Both the pioneer ships were sold in 1976 when replaced by the
larger Tor
and Tor
which remain in service with DFDS Seaways as the Prince and Princess
of Scandinavia. Apart from the ex-tanker Minos, all
secondhand acquisitions of Minoan lines were retained as the
line expanded until delivery of purpose-built tonnage in the
mid-1990s. Ariadne was still listed as part of the Minoan
Lines fleet at the start of 1999, but was sold during that year.
In 2001, Ariadne continues to serve between Italy and
Greece as Ouranos of Fraglines.
- A
picture of Ariadne taken from a Minoan Lines publicity
brochure, included because it gives full details of the ship.
- This
early official Minoan Lines postcard of Ariadne
- It
shows the original livery with white exhausts, and the logo on
the dummy funnel. Accommodation is largely
- as
in Tor Line days, compare with the picture above showing additional
superstructure added to aft upper decks.
- This
M.Toumbis postcard (serial 557) of Ariadne at Piraeus
also shows her early Minoan condition.
- Note
the converted oil tanker to the left, which I believe is the
Kydon, ANEK's first ship.
- An
enlarged view of Ariadne taken from the card above.
- A
later Minoan Lines official postcard of Ariadne,
- With
additional accommodation aft and painted exhausts. This is a
- postcard,
issued for the German market. I have not seen English or Greek
- I
believe this is the final Minoan Lines official postcard of Ariadne
- With
additional accommodation aft and both painted exhausts and
- dummy
funnel. The card may have been issued in other languages.
- Ramsey
Postcards serial 81 using a photograph by A.Stracey.
- Keskin
Color postcard (serial 09/854) of Ariadne and The Azur
at Kusadasi.
- An
enlarged view of the ships is shown beneath.
- Ouranos
- (Fraglines:
- In 1999,
Ariadne was sold to Fraglines
for service between Italy and Greece (Brindisi to Corfu and Igoumenitsa)
as the Ouranos. The Fraglines service ceased in 2007 and
Ouranos became the F.Diamond of Malta-based F Lines.
- If
you can assist with obtaining a postcard, please email me at:-
- This
image of Ouranos is from the Fraglines website.
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Fraglines
Ouranos leaving Corfu, 10th August 2006
- Photo:
©2006 Copyright Ian Boyle
- Click to open larger image in new window
- F.Diamond
- (F.Lines:
2007- )
- The Fraglines
service ceased in 2007 and Ouranos became the F.Diamond of Malta-based
F Lines.
- Fraglines
F.Diamond at Drapetsona, 20th May 2007
- Photo:
© Foto Georges Koutsoukis - Scan: www.faktaomfartyg.se
- Click to open larger image in new window
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