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- Splendour
of the Seas
- (Page
2: Postcards)
- This page is devoted to
official and commercial postcards of the Royal Caribbean vessel
of the Seas. Photographs of Splendour of
the Seas are
available on
this link.
- Splendour of
the Seas was
built at St Nazaire in 1996 and is 70000grt. Splendour of the Seas initially cruised out of Harwich
to Norway and the Baltic during the summer. She ran a seven-day
circuit of the Western Mediterranean out of Barcelona during
the summer of 2002. Calls were at Villefranche, Livorno, Civitavecchia,
Naples and Valletta. In winter Splendour of the Seas transfers to the Caribbean.
- Sections on this Page:-
- Splendour
of the Seas postcards - official company postcards
- Splendour
of the Seas postcards - commercial postcards
- Associated Pages:-
- Splendour
of the Seas Photographs - Photographs by Ian Boyle
- Royal Caribbean
Cruise Line
- Page 1: The First Generation Ships
- Royal Caribbean
Cruise Line
- Page 2: The Mega-Ships
- Royal Caribbean
Cruise Line
- Page 3: Fleet & Advertising Postcards
- Cruise
Ship Postcards
- Ocean
Liner Postcards
- Simplon Postcards
Home Page
- Royal Caribbean Cruise Line - Official Home Page
- References:-
- Click on images
for details
- Splendour of the Seas
- Official
Company Postcards
- Length: 867ft,
Beam 105ft, Gross Tonnage: 70000gt, Passenger Capacity: 1804,
Cruising Speed: 24 knots.
- Royal
Caribbean official postcard, serial SD-1.
- Royal
Caribbean official postcard, serial SD-1 (replaced the card above).
- Commercial Postcards
- Aune
Postcards serial number 168960 of Splendour of the Seas.
- Photographed
by Ole P.Rorvik at Oslo.
- Editions
d'Art "Jos" postcard, of Splendour of the Seas
at St Nazaire, serial 4418407225.
- Editions
Miegeville-Deleville postcard, of Splendour of the Seas
at St Nazaire, posted 1996.
- Editions
Normandes Le Goubey multi-view postcard, showing Splendour
of the Seas at le Havre (serial 500549).
- Photos
by Jean-Pierre Juhel.
- Simplon
serial number sc2089 of Splendour of the Seas, issued
September 1996.
- Photographed
by Wil Moojen arriving at Amsterdam, 25th March 1996.
- CT
serial number 073 of Splendour of the Seas, issued 1996.
- Photographed
by Bert A.Pellegrom leaving Amsterdam, 27th March 1996.
- Ramsey
serial number 99 of Splendour of the Seas.
- Photographed
by Philip Cone at Harwich.
- Splendour of the Seas Photographs
- Royal
Caribbean Page 1 - Royal Caribbean Page 2 - Royal Caribbean Page 3
- Cruise
Ship Postcards
- Ocean
Liner Postcards
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of Page
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Postcards Home Page

- ©1999-2007
Copyright Ian Boyle/Simplon Postcards (all pages on web site)
All Rights Reserved
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