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- This page is devoted to
postcards and photographs of Portsmouth Harbour.
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Tower - Photographs
- Gosport
The Hard
- HMS Warrior
Portsmouth Victoria Pier - updated 28th March 2015
Southsea South Parade Pier - updated 3rd April 2015
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- Written and published by G.P.Hamer - various editions from
1977 to 2015 consulted
Spinnaker Tower
- Photographs
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
Portsmouth Harbour
Hard & Ferry Pontoons
- Portsmouth
Hard and slipway at low tide.
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Portsmouth
Hard and slipway at low tide.
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Portsmouth
Ferry Pontoon - used for the
Gosport Ferry and
Harbour Tours.
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Spirit of Gosport of Gosport Ferries at Portsmouth Ferry Pontoon.
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
HMS Warrior
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
Pre-WW1 postcard of a paddle steamer at Victoria
1986 image of the post-WW2 Victoria Pier in rough
weatherPhotos: �1986 Ian Boyle
2014 images of the post-WW2 Victoria Pier
Photos: � Ian Boyle, 1st July 2014

Southsea South Parade Pier
The pier was built between 1875 and 1878 to the design of
G.Rale. It was opened in 1879 by Princess Saxe-Weimar.
Initially, its main purpose was as a steamer jetty for Isle of
Wight passengers.
In 1904, a serious fire resulted in a complete rebuild. The
'replacement' pier opened to a length of 600 feet in 1908. It
had been designed by local architect G.E.Smith and cost £85,000.
It had a concrete deck and windscreens protecting visitors on
all sides. A spacious pavilion contained two halls: one housed a
1200 seat theatre, the other serving as a cafe during the day
and a dance hall at night. At the seaward end, a similar
pavilion incorporated a bar and lounge.
The theatre was damaged by fire in 1966 and was removed the
following year. A further blaze in 1974 (during the filming of
'Tommy') badly affected the pier, which re-opened the following
year after a £500,000 rebuild.
The large pavilion, less grand than previously, now houses
showbars (one of which can hold 800) and amusements.
history of the pier since 2010 has been complex and the pier was
closed by the Council on 2012 due to it being unsafe. Efforts
continue to restore and re-open the Ppier.
The original South Parade
Pier, burnt down in 1904

The original South Parade
Pier, burning down on 19th July 1904 with many people watching
Opening of the 'new' South Parade
Pier on 12th August 1909
The 'new' South Parade

The 'new' South Parade
Pier with trams

The 'new' South Parade
Pier with buses and cars

The 'new' South Parade
Pier with steamers at the pier head

The 'new' South Parade
Pier with illuminations

of Gosport from the air
Graham Lewis
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
- Photo:
Copyright Ian Boyle, 5th February 2006
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