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boat operator or other commercial organisation
- Golden
- This page is devoted to
photographs and postcards of the Princess Cruises vessel Golden
Princess, leaving on her official Maiden Voyage from Southampton
to Barcelona on May 16th 2001 (she had actually completed a few
shakedown "cruises to nowhere" before this voyage).
She left Southampton shortly after 6pm, but her departure had
been preceded by a 5pm departure of Oriana, giving the
opportunity to photograph both ships together.
- Golden Princess was built by Fincantieri of Venice,
Italy and weighs 108806 gross tons. She is 289 metres long, carries
2592 passengers (3300 max) and has a crew of 1100. Golden
Princess takes over the Grand Princess itinerary of Barcelona-Istanbul
cruises in summer and Caribbean cruises in the winter.
- Oriana was built by Meyer of Papenburg,
Germany in 1995. She weighs 69153 gross tons, is 260 metres long,
carries 1760 passengers and has a crew of 760. Oriana
operates a varied selection of cruises from Southampton including
one world cruise each year.
- Sections on this Page:-
- Golden
Princess postcards - official postcards
- Golden
Princess alongside prior to departure - Photos: © Ian Boyle, May 2001
- Oriana's
departure past Golden Princess - Photos: © Ian Boyle, May 2001
- Golden
Princess departure - Photos: © Ian Boyle, May 2001
- Golden
Princess at Barcelona - Photos: © Dave Hale
- Golden
Princess in Rotterdam - Photos: © Cees de Bijl, May 2005
- Golden
Princess Passing Calshot - Photos: © Ian Boyle, 11th June 2005
- Golden
Princess at San Francisco- Photos: © Jim, 2007
- Associated Pages:-
- Star
Princess Photos
- Grand
Princess Photos
- Oriana
Photo Pages
- P&O
and Princess Postcard pages
- Cruise
Ship Postcards
- Ocean
Liner Postcards
- Simplon Postcards
Home Page
- Golden Princess
- Golden
Princess Postcards
- The first official card
of Golden Princess uses the same image as a previous Grand Princess (use of a magnifying glass even
shows the name as Grand
Golden Princess is the second ship in the 108000grt Grand
Class, and replaced Grand
Princess on
her Mediterranean and Caribbean itineraries. The third sister,
Princess, was
delivered in 2002, and initially operated out of LA to Mexico.
- Golden Princess Prior
to Maiden Voyage
- Southampton
16th May 2001
- Golden Princess left on her official Maiden Voyage
from Southampton to Barcelona on May 16th 2001 (she had actually
completed a few shakedown "cruises to nowhere" before
this voyage). She left Southampton shortly after 6pm, but her
departure had been preceded by a 5pm departure of Oriana, giving the opportunity to photograph
both ships together.
- Photos:
© Ian Boyle, 16th May 2001.

- Oriana's Departure Past
Golden Princess
- Southampton
16th May 2001
- Golden Princess left on her official Maiden Voyage
from Southampton to Barcelona on May 16th 2001 (she had actually
completed a few shakedown "cruises to nowhere" before
this voyage). She left Southampton shortly after 6pm, but her
departure had been preceded by a 5pm departure of Oriana,
giving the opportunity to photograph both ships together.
- Aditional
Photos of Oriana
- Photos:
© Ian Boyle, 16th May 2001.

- Golden Princess Departure
From Southampton
- Maiden
Voyage - Southampton 16th May 2001
- Photos:
© Ian Boyle

- Golden Princess Departure
From Barcelona
- Photos:
© Dave Hale

- Golden Princess in Rotterdam
- Photos:
© Cees de Bijl, 20th May 2005.

- Golden Princess Passing
- Golden Princess leaving Southampton on 11th June
2005, seen passing Calshot Spit at the end of Southampton Water.
The final picture below shows Oriana, which had followed Golden Princess down
Southampton Water, with the Golden Princess in the background.
- Photos:
© Ian Boyle, 11th June 2005.

- Golden Princess at San
- Photo:
© Jim Jensen, 12th April 2007
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Photo:
© Jim Jensen, 12th April 2007
- Click to open larger image in new window
- Grand Princess Photos - Oriana Photo Pages - P&O and Princess Postcard pages
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Ship Postcards
- Ocean
Liner Postcards
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- ©1999-2007
Copyright Ian Boyle/Simplon Postcards (all pages on web site)
All Rights Reserved
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